Member Registration

Member Registration

Please select the member type.

Available Service

Courier Tracking
You can check the delivery status of the parcels you have sent or will receive. Using the SmartShip mobile app, you can also receive notifications whenever the status of your parcel changes.
We can send a courier for domestic delivery at a reasonable price.
Smart Delivery
You can send international parcels for overseas delivery, and you can manage shipping/shipping tasks in one place by linking orders from multiple online marketplaces.
By using Qxpress ' warehouse, you can be comprehensively provided integrated inventory management and order and delivery management services for products sold through multiple sales channels. So your business can effectively cope with increasing order volumes.
Smart Cargo
If you need to transport bulk cargo overseas and are struggling with cost and complicated procedures, Smart Cargo service can solve the problem and grow your business.

Member Registration - Basic Member

Items marked are required.

You'll use you email as your sign-in account name.

enter your email then click the [Check] button.

The password must be at least 8 characters long and consist of English letters, numbers, and symbols, and must include at least one number or symbol. The following symbols can be used in the password: ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) [ ] - _ + = < > , . / ? ; : ' " { }